Monday, May 25, 2009

Truckers casserole

When you are out on the road mostly all the food you can eat has to be cooked in a microwave which can be pretty boring. So when you get bored enough you get creative. I invented a tuna noodle casserole except I call mine the truckers casserole. I know there are probably some of you out there who would like to try my invention so this is what you do. You will need a bowl of the easy mac and cheese, a small can of tuna, a small can of peas and salt and pepper. Follow the mac and cheese directions and pop that in the microwave, drain tuna and peas, mix together with mac and cheese and cook another 30 seconds to 1 minute longer salt and pepper to taste and voila you have the truckers casserole. So if you try it please leave me a comment to let me know what you think. If you think it sounds disgusting do not comment. I am finally back in Indiana and I start my classes tomorrow morning as soon as I am finished I will be on my way home. I don't care if it's by bus, plane, train or automobile I am going home. I am so glad that I did this and finished it out, there is no way to describe this experience there is nothing like it. All I can say is that it's pretty wild.


  1. Wow that casserole is SO up my alley! LOL I will have to make it and let you know what I END UP tossing into it! When I was in the military we had these tiny little fridges in our rooms and one crappy stove in the common room; no microwaves though. We used to come up with meals that were based on whatever canned things we could find/swap/buy at the teeny tiny corner store on base. Many a meal was "enhanced" by peanut butter, raisins or whatever else we had!

  2. If you are adventurous try: frozen tater tots, spinach(canned or frozen), tuna, cheese (I like cheddar and parmesean), canned mushrooms, salt/pepper to taste. Most of these can be left out per preferance.
